music inspiration and me

A Single Moment In Time

     At any given moment in life you can look up and see something differently than you had the moment before. I find it funny how there was a time when I was afraid of change, until I realized change is everything. Change can be beauty, love, mesmerizing and wonderful it can also be scary, painful, thoughtless, hurtful and millions of other things but the one thing I see change as now is ever inspiring.

     As a cloud moves it changes and is continually reshaping and forming, what you see it as now I will see it as something completely different a moment from now because it changed. What means nothing to you could inspire me to write 20 songs, inspiration can be and come from anywhere, anyone, or anything and it doesn’t always inspire the same thing even if it hasn’t changed because as human beings we are ever changing and evolving. It makes me think about broken relationships because as we change so does the other person and the things we use to hate we could ultimately fall in love with and the things about them we once loved we may not a year from now.

     I am issuing myself a challenge this being the beginning of a brand new year to find and list atleast 5 things a day every day this year that I find inspiration in and to follow those inspirations, thoughts and feelings and try to channel them into one new song a day based on only those things I have chosen that day. In that I am giving myself a creative writing challenge to broaden not only my horizons but my senses and emotions as well. After going through a transition phase in life where a broken heart nearly defeated and destroyed me and caused me doubt my music, my writing, and myself, I gave up. I stopped playing and writing music my two greatest loves I walked away from because I felt defeated.

     I found the inspiration to write again in 2004 from an up and coming talent, a beautiful young woman who was an up and coming actress and singer/songwriter. Whose still unfolding and emerging career inspires me still, her inspiration was made available through a tv show I had fallen in love with. Miss Alexz Johnson whose portrayal of a young singer/song writer in the 2004 tv hit Instant Star followed her character Jude Harrison as she struggled to follow her dreams while dealing with the ups and downs of every day life. Her portrayal of the this charachter spoke to me and helped me to overcome the most difficult years of my life. Today I own copies of all the seasons of the show and revert back to them whenever I feel like giving up, I have all of her currently released music on itunes and rhapsody and hope to one day see her live maybe if I’m lucky meet her. Thanks to her I picked up the pencil and more recently this month picked up the guitar again after nearly 7 years of not playing.

     I came across her facebook page and it reminded me of the show, so I looked it up found all 4 seasons and watched them all the way through, and it inspired me to ask my husband about getting a new guitar of which he was more than willing to oblige, he went out and got it for me that day on his way home from work.

     I picked up a new journal and now I cannot stop every where I go I am inspired, in everything I see, hear, and every emotion I feel. Being back in that mind set and creating music was and is the only thing that ever felt right for me. I am grateful for the ability and talents to do so, and grateful to have found someone who inspired me to go back to it just by watching her act and hearing her sing, her voice is powerful and angelic and strong it reaches out to her fans, to me….

     Now don’t get me wrong a writer can’t create an album by picking random things and writing about them, I fully intend to write outside my challenge. You have to be able to feel a song, a song comes from inside of you, your thoughts, feelings, emotions all colliding until a masterpiece has come together. It’s hard for me to explain my writing process, but I can say that all I have been through good and bad drives me and has a huge influence on my process and my perspective.

     It only takes a single moment in time for inspiration to strike and grow from a thought, to a note, to a song…

et cetera
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